How To Win Buyers And Influence Sales with LOGO ANIMATION SERVICES

Planning a startup might feel daunting at first. But the real game begins when you have to promote the brand. Good brand promotion means spreading the message to a large-scale audience in lesser time. However, the more the message is crisp, clear, and relatable, the more it will leave a mark on the customer’s mind. That is why many brands spend thousands and millions of dollars promoting their business, even if it is a small candy brand.

There are many ways to market or brand promotion, but the most eye-catchy way is to promote it with animation. Making animation is a tiring process. But, when you connect your brand with a reputable company that provides professional logo animation services, things can become much more accessible.

Perks of Having Logo Animation Services

The term Logo animation is self-explanatory. It is all about adding effects on the logo that makes it moveable rather than a static image. However, it varies from plain patterns to a complete video representation. Precisely, it can convert boring, static image-based logos into livable logos.
If you want to grab customers’ attention instantly and promote the product or brand in a shorter span, there is no better option than opting for logo animation services. Because let us get real, this is the 21st century- people are bombarded with new information constantly. So, ditching a traditional way and opting for an animation to convey a message will be a treat for their eyes.

. Increase Brand Awareness

Customer buying behavior heavily depends on their memory- and using animation in the logo can increase the chances of people remembering the brand. Because according to Cleveland-based market research, people can retain 95% of the information when the animation is part of visual information.

. It Tells A Story

We all like stories, don’t we? Storytelling has been a part of the conversation to convey a message or to educate someone. It is an effective way of marketing cause to promote any brand connecting with customers essential. Moreover, storytelling persuades the customers’ emotions, and people may find a deeper connection with the brand. Hence it aids in boosting sales. Research has shown that 55% of people are willing to make a purchase inspired by the brand’s story.

. Animated Logos Are Intriguing

Animation intrigues consumers and enhances engagement by 80%. Humans are also pivotal resources to engage. Because curiosity is a part of human nature- they have the urge to see things unfold. Hence more engagement results in a higher impact on the customer’s mind.

. Evoke Human Emotions

Animated logos are proven to evoke more emotions than boring static logos. However, some other tools like text, visuals, and graphic designing can also evoke emotions, but videos and animations are more compelling and digestible for humans. It can evoke emotions like joy, happiness, and nostalgia.

. Holds Attention

With the shift of many businesses over video content, a problem they may face is grabbing the attention of their potential clients. To hold their attention, the brand needs to take its video game to another level by adding animation to its content.
Colors, shapes, and visuals are more appealing to the eyes. Hence, they can hold attention for much longer.

. Enhance Digital Marketing Performance

Animated logos impacts the SEO for various reasons- people prefer to watch video content over reading it. With this change, Google’s algorithm has shifted to prioritizing websites with video content.
People actively engage with the animation content. Recent studies show the stats:
. 39% of Facebook users are inclined to share;
. 36% inclined to comment;
. 56% of people share video content that includes animation.
. Cost-effective
If you are making a traditional live-action promotional commercial, you will need a team of 10-15 people per day. Let us assume the shoot is scheduled for two days straight- you will need to pay for each team member, location, and actor. You will have to pay for the food, etc. Animation, on the other hand, does not require any extra money.


Print media and static visual media are dying slowly, and digital media has taken over gradually. In this digitalized age, people consume more videos than any other content. So, with the change in preferences of people, business strategies should change too. And investing in logo animation services can be a breath of fresh air for customers. You can do that by choosing a professional company. Infini Logo Designs provides you with a professionally skilled team with animation. Contact us now and get a free consultation by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at +1 646 846 8596. We are more than happy to help your sales boost!

5 Minute Read

17 June 2021

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